Training at home with Sebastian

Hello, Los Naranjos family!

These are strange times we have ahead of us now with the quarantine being issued all over Spain. I know how much all of you value an active lifestyle and especially at your own home club. Unfortunately, it seems that we might have to forget about golf for a while, but we should still try to be as active as we possibly can. I understand that for many people it might be complicated to come up with ideas of how to stay active at home. So, I have prepared some tips and ideas for you that I hope many of you can use to include some fitness in your day even now when we have to stay home. One simple thing I would recommend all of you to do if you have access to your own garden or a large terrace is to walk a minimum of 20 minutes per day, put some music on or maybe a podcast and start walking. It does not have to walk consecutively for 20 minutes but try and get a minimum of 20 minutes each day. In this document I have included an exercise library as well as some examples of how to design your workouts.

P.S. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send them to me on Whatsapp +46 723 10 16 98 or to my email

Best of luck and best of regards!

Sebastian Lindström

Just press the link right below here and you will have access to all the instructional videos, there is a video for each exercise! Hold CTRL + click to follow the link.

Good warm up exercises

Quadruped thoracic rotation (while performing this exercise make sure you are not rotating through your lower back, rotation should take place in your upper back and your head/neck should follow as I show in the video)

Bird dogs (do this exercise slow and controlled like I show in the video, try and keep your body as parallel to the floor as possible making sure we don´t loose balance. If you reach with your right arm then you reach back with your left leg, don´t arch your lower back to find more range of motion)

Dead bugs (I show a few different ways of doing this exercise in the video clip, the important thing here is to make sure you keep your lower back neutral and not letting it arch when performing the movement. The exercise gets harder the longer you make yourself so start with a little bit och bend in your knees before progressing, you can even do one leg at a time)

Lower body exercises

Bodyweight squat (Choose a stance width that feels comfortable and that provides you with the best possible range of motion and balance, control the movement och the way down. Only go as low as your mobility allows you, we don´t want your chest to fall over or your lower back to round during the movement.)

Rear foot elevated split squats (place your back foot on a bench or the edge of your sofa for example, then let your back knee drop towards the floor while bending in the knee and hip of the front leg, control the movement on the way down to keep balance.)

Lunges (From a standing position, take a longer step forward and then let your back knee drop towards the ground while bending your front knee and hip, graze the floor gently and push back to a standing position before starting over.)

Alternating lunges (Same thing as the exercise above “LUNGES”, but here you change leg after each rep, going back and forth until you are done.)

Glute bridge (Lay on your back and position your feet out in front of you with feet shoulder width apart, flex your abs and then push your heels into the floor and extend your hips fully, don´t let your lower back arch at the top, return back down and start again.)

Hip thrusts (use a bench or even the edge of your sofa) (similar to the glute bridge in execution, but instead of laying flat on the floor you place your back on the edge of a bench/sofa edge, shoulder blades should stay above the edge. Flex your abs, lower your butt towards the ground, don´t go to low before extending your hips and returning up, don´t arch your lower back at the top just flex your glutes.)

Single leg glute bridge (A bit more difficult than the normal glute bridge, execution is the same but done pushing with one leg and keeping the other in the air, can also be done as a single leg hip thrust against a bench.)

Step ups (Pick a bench or something similar that isn´t too high, place one leg on it and the other on the ground, don´t push off the ground but instead think about pushing into the bench with your front foot, control it on the way down, I recommend holding on to something like a door as a reference point.)

Deadlift (fill up a bag with some books or full water bottles and use it as weight for example, use your imagination) (Starting with the weights from the floor, we bend over without bending our knees too much but instead hinging our hips, pushing our butt back all while keeping a neutral and strong back, push through the floor and extend your hips to stand up, prime movers here are glutes (butt) and hamstring (backside of your legs) muscles. Don´t let your lower back round or shoulders slouch.)

Calf raises (Stand on a edge with about 2/3 of your feet hanging in the air, let your heel drop towards the floor in a controlled fashion before pushing back up on your toes, slow controlled motion back down again.)

Single leg calf raises (Same thing as the standard calf raise, only difference is that it´s done on one leg only, I recommend holding on to the back of a chair or a door for reference.)

Split squats (Very similar to normal lunges, the only difference is that we don´t return to standing with both our feet underneath us, instead we stay in the split stance position and just push up and down, like I show in the video.)

Upper body exercises

Shoulder press (any type of heavy-ish object, fill a large water bottle for example) (start with the object just above your shoulder with your elbow pointing slightly forward and down, from here push it straight up while keeping your chest down and making sure your lower back does not arch, flex abs.)

Tricep extensions on bench ( Place both your hands on the edge of something stable like a bench/chair/sofa, get your butt of the bench and place your feet as far forward as you would like, then drop your butt down towards the floor by letting movement occur in the shoulder and elbow, push back up and repeat.)

Push ups (This can be done pushing off a wall or a bench, on your knees or in the full position with only hands and feet on the floor. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, elbows at about 45 degrees relative to your body and then lower yourself by letting movement occur in the shoulder and elbow, keep abs tight and don´t let your lower back fall towards the floor (arch).)

Plank (Just like the push up, the plank can be done against higher objects or on your knees if the full long position is too difficult, start of easier and progress later. Either on straight arms or on the elbows, place your arms shoulder width apart with your feet or knees out behind you, come in to the plank position and stay there for about 15 seconds or up to a minute at a time, important notes here are, tense your entire body for a stable position and do not let your lower back fall towards the ground, flex your abs. If you feel your lower back getting tired or falling to the ground STOP.)

Mountainclimbers (Starting in a plank position, initiate the exercise by moving one knee towards your elbow/chest, alternate between both legs like I do in the video.)

Levitation crunch (half sit up) (Lay on your back, knees bent and feet out in front of you firmly placed on the ground. Push lower back into the ground by flexing your abs and perform a short sit up, do not sit all the way up, lower back does not leave the ground.)

Walking plank (starting in a plank position, we move from an elbow grounded position into a straight arm position before returning back down, don´t let your body rock back and forth too much, stay as still as possible.)

Plank shoulder tap (similar to the walking plank, start in a straight arm position, one rep is performed once you have touched right shoulder with left hand or vice versa and have returned back to starting position, stay rigid through the whole body and don´t rock back and forth.)

Standing to plank hand walk ( starting in a full standing position, we bend over and place both hands on the ground, we then walk our hands out in to a plank position before walking back and standing straight up, move controlled and don´t rush it.)

If you are looking for a way to progress some of these exercises but have to free weights at home you can just grab a backpack and fill it with whatever heavy-ish stuff you can find and then wear that during your workout. It is a great way to make exercises like bodyweight squats, lunges or push ups a little bit tougher.

It is completely up to you how you decide to design your workouts, however below I have incorporated a handful of different examples that you could use. They are also very easy to modify if you want to.

Workout 3×10

ADD AN EXERCISE #1 – 10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #2 – 10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #3 – 10 repetitions

1 round is completed when you have done 10 (or the repetitions you decide on) repetitions on each exercise. 3 rounds are a good starting point.

Workout 100

ADD AN EXERCISE – pick an exercise and perform 100 repetitions for time, next time you do this workout try to beat your previous time.

Workout 50-10

ADD AN EXERCISE #1 – perform 50-40-30-20-10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #2 – perform 50-40-30-20-10 repetitions

First set you complete 50 repetitions on each exercise, after that you move on to set number 2 and perform 40 repetitions on each exercise, do this until you have completed the last 10 on each exercise. You must complete 50 repetitions on each exercise before moving to 40,30 etc.

Workout 21-18-15-12-9-6

ADD AN EXERCISE #1 – perform 21-18-15-12-9-6 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #2 – perform 21-18-15-12-9-6 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #3 – perform 21-18-15-12-9-6 repetitions

Same things as the workout right above, complete 21 repetitions on each exercise for the first set, then you move on to set number 2 where you will do 18 repetitions and so on. You must do 21 repetitions on each exercise before moving to 18,15,12 etc.

(Här är antalet repetitioner annorlunda annars är upplägget samma som träningspasset ovanför, du gör först klart 21 repetitioner på varje övning innan du går vidare till 18 repetitioner osv hela vägen ner till 6 repetitioner.)

Workout TABATA

ADD AN EXERCISE #1 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

ADD AN EXERCISE #2 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

8 rounds

ADD AN EXERCISE #3 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

ADD AN EXERCISE #4 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

8 rounds

ADD AN EXERCISE #5 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

ADD AN EXERCISE #6 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

8 rounds

ADD AN EXERCISE #7 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

ADD AN EXERCISE #8 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

8 rounds

ADD AN EXERCISE #9 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

ADD AN EXERCISE #10 – perform 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest

8 rounds

8 rounds of 20/10 equal a total of 4 minutes, so 5 pairings of exercises will equal a total of 20 minutes. You will be going back and forth between the exercises in each pairing 8 times before moving on to pairing number 2 (exercise #3 and #4 and so on). The 10 seconds of rest are your chance to get ready for the next 20 seconds so make sure you are ready to work as soon as the 20 seconds start.

Workout AMRAP på tid

ADD AN EXERCISE #1 – perform 10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #2 – perform 10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #3 – perform 10 repetitions

ADD AN EXERCISE #4 – perform 10 repetitions

AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible)

Choose a total time for your workout, for example, 6,9,12,15,18 or 21 minutes or whatever you feel like. During this time, you will try to complete as many total repetitions as possible, 1 round is finished when you have completed all the repetitions for all the exercises. Next time you do this workout, try to beat your old record. You decide the number or exercises and repetitions, this is just a template.

Let´s get started, best of luck!!!!

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